Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

Emmet Fox, one of my favorite authors, analyzes the Lord's Prayer in his book POWER THROUGH CONSTRUCTIVE THINKING. He says, "Because we are the children of a loving Father, we are entitled to expect that God will provide us fully with everything we need." As children of God, we know it is His Will that we lead happy, healthy lives. So our food, clothing, shelter, transportation, books, music, and whatever else we require is petitioned when we say, "Give us this day our daily bread." Even abstract things like peace and freedom are covered in this request. According to Emmet Fox, all we need to do to gain what we need is to claim it and recognize that God is the sole Provider of all good things. As the Author and Giver of Life, God is the only one who can give us our best life yet. "For we are what He has made us." (Ephesians 2:10)

Another thing that brings us what we need is our gratitude and hope. We need to thank God in advance for His provisions. We also must never lose hope because hopelessness breeds weakness and that does not lead to fulfillment of our needs and desires. Studies have shown that discouragement can make us sick and age us, whereas the scripture says that a merry heart doeth good like medicine. So if we want health, longevity, youth, and strength, we must be hopeful and happy. If we are in pain, we need to be thankful that we are greater than the pain. My daughter Tori is my role model in this area. After a severe motorcycle accident over six years ago, she stays strong and optimistic. When the doctors told her that she would not have any more children, she gave birth to two beautiful babies. Her secret is to have a joyous spirit and a kind heart. This has kept her soul strong and her mind brilliant. She has not kept this joy to herself either but instead has spread it to everyone she knows.

Christian Larsen says, "The glad heart is the sunshine of all life, a benediction to everyone, a perpetual blessing to everything in creation." An attitude of gratitude makes our prayers stronger and our expectations higher.

Yes, give us this day our daily bread, Lord, and give us enough to share with others.

Love and Light,