Saturday, April 13, 2013


I let go of limited thinking.  Why?  Well, seven years ago, a beautiful miracle happened.  My granddaughter Kaya was born.  She is an absolute miracle because less than two years before her birth, her mom Tori was in a very serious motorcycle accident and was told that she would not have any more children. We worried and worried about Kaya. Tori kept saying that Kaya would choose her own birthday, and she did.  She was born over a month later than her due date, and she was and is perfect in every way.  She weighed 9 lbs 1 oz so was a big, bouncing baby girl.  She is awesome.  Her name Kaya is Hopi Indian for wise child, and wise she is!  Tomorrow is her birthday, and she taught me that God is in control.  I do not have to strive in life with such intensity.  God is good and everything will work out perfectly.

Light and Love,


Cat Forsley said...
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Cat Forsley said...

Beautiful Patty :)
Happy Birthday Kaya .....
You are Loved and Love ;)
Cat xo

Patty said...

Oh, thanks so much, Cat! Love her so much!