Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pray Without Ceasing

"Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28). Just a moment of prayer or meditation can improve your mood, lower your blood pressure, decrease your anxiety, grant you more optimistism, give you resilience, and strengthen your immune system. No wonder the bible says to pray without ceasing. It's really easy to stay in a prayerful attitude during the day if you practice doing that. Once you get the habit, it feels so good to stay connected, and you will wonder how you ever got along without prayer.

Where do we go to pray? You can pray wherever you are: driving, washing dishes, making the bed, or waiting for class to start. Wherever you are, you can connect with God, and that is such a blessing.

The other thing about prayer is that the time to do it is NOW. There is no need to put it off until you have more time. Peacefulness brought on by prayer is available to you right now, right here. Whatever is happening in your life, do not let it keep you from prayer. The time we need prayer the most is when life is the most hectic and stressful.

Many times at night, I wake up with a concern on my mind. I find that if I avail myself to prayer, the concern will gently go away to be replaced by a sense of well-being. "If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit." (Galatians 5:25)

The DAILY WORD yesterday had this suggestion: "I imagine that I have just walked through the desert and have now reached an oasis with refreshing water, a cool breeze, and a hammock tied between two shade-giving trees. I have reached a welcome refuge."

Let the calmness and serenity of a tropical vacation wash over you and release all your concerns to God. Have a blessed week!

Love and Light,

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