Saturday, January 7, 2012

Rosie Makes Me Rich

Briar Mercury Rose Rawlings was born on December 8, 2011. She weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz. She is absolutely beautiful! She was born on her cousin Sierra Jade Faulkenberry's 13 birthday so that made it even more special. I can't begin to describe what joy she has brought into our lives already. I just feel like a new person.

She is a little cutie patootie. We call her Rosie. She makes me want to take time to smell the roses because life is not about getting somewhere, it is about enjoying the journey. She was born during the busy holiday season, but I certainly took time off to go visit her for two and a half weeks. She was my Christmas!

During that time, Frank's mom Alice passed away. That was December 19, and it was a very low point of my visit. The weather was bad that day so Frank told me to stay with Rosie, and that he and his brother David would plan a celebration of her life in January. To have this sadness juxtaposed with the sheer joy of Rosie's birth threatened to take away the happiness of the occasion, but it also reminded me to slow down to enjoy my family because one never knows how long we will have them with us.

So for the first time in many years I enjoyed Christmas with my husband, my girls, and all my grandchildren, and it was joyous. I had to put it all in perspective. I will never get this time back. Rosie will never be a newborn again. I just couldn't take that for granted.

After Frank made some arrangements, he arrived to spend Christmas with the family. I know it was hard for him to share our joy when he had just lost his mom, but he did the best he could. I tried to lift him up and be his strength, but he was hurting. The day after Christmas, we went to visit my mom. It was there in the peace and quiet of Mom's home that he found solace. I am so grateful that my mom and Frank have such a special relationship.

We have a wonderful family and that makes us rich. Someone said, "It's not the time we spend together. It's the moments we ignite to make memories." We are not here forever. We need to take time to smell the roses. I think Rosie will remind me to do just that.

Love and Light,

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